- 2023 Group
Welcome to Dr. Guiling Wang's Hydroclimatology and Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions Lab at UConn. The mission of our lab is to understand and quantify the terrestrial hydrological cycle, its variability, changes, and interactions with the rest of the Earth system.
With a special focus on water, our research spans the disciplines of climate and atmospheric sciences, hydrology, plant ecology, biogeochemistry, and agronomics. We take an earth system approach, viewing the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere as dynamically coupled components linked through water, energy, and CO2 exchanges within a complex socioeconomic context. Our research relies on models of various nature and complexity as well as satellite remote sensing and ground-based observational data. Recent research topics include hydrological extremes (drought and flood), ecosystem-climate interactions, climate-water-food-energy nexus, regional climate modeling, and coupled hydrological-biogeochemical cycles.
April 2022
"Monotonic increase of extreme precipitation intensity with temperature when controlled for saturation deficit" by Wang & Sun, Geophysical Research Letters
(Graphics: Extreme precipitation intensity varying with temperature and saturation deficit)
August 2023
"Heat stress to jeopardize crop production in the US Corn Belt based on downscaled CMIP5 projections" by Yang & Wang, Agricultural Systems
(Graph: Maize and soybean yield simulated by DSSAT for early, middle, and late century)

August 2022
"Flash drought early warning based on the trajectory of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence" by Mohammadi et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Graph: SIF RCI around the 2017 flash drought in the Northern Great Plain region.