- 2004 Group
- 2007 Group
- 2011 Group
- 2013 Group
- 2013 Group Hike at Sleeping Giant
- 2014 Group
- 2016 Group
- 2016 Group at Commencement
- 2019 Group
- 2021 Group
- 2023 Group
Current Group Members
Guiling Wang (Lab PI)

Koushan Mohammadi (Ph.D. student)

Flash drought, prediction, and impact;
Cold season stream flow dynamics;
machine learning
Makduma Zahan Badhan (Ph.D. student)

Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycles Modeling;
Deep Learning and Climate Downscaling
Faisal Mohammad Alvee (Ph.D. student)

Extreme Precipitation and Climate Change
Yan Chen (Ph.D. student, Co-advisee)

Forest Ecosystem and Drought
Yara Medawar (Ph.D. student)

Climate change and policy
Javad Taymoori (Ph.D. student)

Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Drought
Hongchen Qin (Postdoctoral Research Associate)

Extreme Precipitation; Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Lab Alumni:
--------- Postdoctoral Associates -------
Xiaoming Sun (2017-2019), currently Staff Scientist at Los Alamos National Lab
Congsheng Fu (2013-2015), currently Professor / Research Scientist at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology
Miao Yu (2011-2014), currently Professor at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Roop Saini (2012-2014)
Zhenming Ji (2013-2014), currently Associate Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University
-------- Ph.D. Graduates ---------
Yelin Jiang (Ph.D., 2023; Postdoctoral Associate, Columbia University)
Dissertation: Land-atmosphere Interactions and Drought over Tropical South America
Meijian Yang (Ph.D., 2021; Postdoctoral Associate, Columbia University)
Dissertation: Crop Response to Hydrometeorological Variability and Crop Yield Predictions in Ethiopia
Amir Erfanian (Ph.D., 2018; Climate Scientist, McKinsey & Company)
Dissertation: Land-atmosphere interactions and regional climate in West Africa and South America
Kazi Farzan Ahmed (Ph.D., 2016; Senior Scientist, Verisk)
Dissertation: Climate change impact on agricultural land use in West Africa and its Implication on regional climate projection
Dana Parr (Ph.D., 2015; Instructor, Taft School)
Dissertation: Understanding the hydrological impacts of climate variability and climate change based on numerical modeling and observations
Shanshan Sun (Ph.D., 2012; Assistant Professor, Yunnan University):
Dissertation: Investigating the role of terrestrial feedback and oceanic forcing in climate variability
Rui Mei (Ph.D., 2012; Research Analyst, Intercontinental Exchange.):
Dissertation: Land-atmosphere coupling strength over the U.S. during summer: Comparison
among observations, reanalysis data and numerical models
Clement Alo (Ph.D., 2009; Associate Professor at Montclair State University):
Dissertation: Impact of land use land cover changes and vegetation dynamics on regional and global climate prediction
Dagang Wang (Ph.D., 2007; Professor at Sun Yet-Sen University):
Dissertation: Impact of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage on land and atmospheric hydrological processes
Yeonjoo Kim ( Ph.D., 2006; Professor at Yonsei University):
Dissertation: Soil moisture-vegetation-precipitation feedback at the seasonal time scale over North America
-------- M.S. Graduates --------
Tengyu Ding: M.S. (Plan B), 2020
Brandon Holland: M.S. (Plan B), 2019
Aaron Rosenberg: M.S. (Plan B), 2014
Zhitong Fei: M.S. (Plan B), 2014
Joseph Albani: M.S., 2014.
Integrated water resource management
Jeehee Kim: M.S., 2013.
Role of lateral boundary conditions in climate prediction using regional climate models: impact of dynamics vs. physics.
Di Wu: M.S., 2013.
Improving the surface-groundwater interactions in the Community Land Model: Case study in the Blue Nile River Basin.
Farzan Ahmed: M.S., 2011.
Thesis: Bias correction and downscaling of climate model outputs required for impact assessments of climate change in the U.S. Northeast
Rui Mei: M.S., 2008.
Thesis: Precipitation Follows Logging in the Amazon Basin? Interpretation of the CAM3-CLM3 Results
David Hoover: M.S., 2008.
Thesis: Altered Rainfall due to Climate Change: Modeling the ecological effects on grasslands.
Xiaoming Sun: M.S., 2007.
Thesis: Understanding large-scale biogeography and its relationship to climate
Jeff (Zhe) Zheng: M.S., 2006.
Thesis: Modeling the dynamic root water uptake and its impact on surface hydrological processes
-------- Past visiting scholars --------
Weiguang Liu (September 2018 -- September 2019): Visiting PhD students from the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Research Topic: Vegetation-climate interactions in Asia
Alexander Zhang (July -- August 2017): Visiting Research Assistant from Princeton High School. Research Topic: Modeling and prediction of regional climate and drought analysis
Ying Shi (March 2016 -- January 2017): Visiting scholar from National Climate Center of China Meteorological Administration. Research Topic: Vegetation dynamics and regional climate in Asia
Dagang Wang (March -- June 2016; June -- August, 2017): Visiting scholar from Sun Yat-Sen University. Research Topic: Incorporating remote sensing data into land surface models to improve hydrological estimates.
Di Liu (September 2011 -- September 2012): Visiting Ph.D. student from Hohai University. Research Topic: Land-atmosphere coupling at the sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales over Asia.
Huanghe Gu (September 2010 -- Septemeber 2011): Visiting Ph.D. student from Hohai University. Research topic: Regional climate prediction and hydrological changes over China.
Bing Gao (November 2009 -- June 2010): Visiting Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University. Research Topic: Hydrological modeling in the Yangtze River Basin
Current Members |