December 2016

Amir, Lori, and Ying attended the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in San Francisco and gave four presentations:

  1. A New Paradigm of Regional Climate Modeling Accounting for the Role of Oceans: Amazon as a Case Study
  2. Reproducing multi-model ensemble average with Ensemble-averaged Reconstructed Forcings (ERF) in regional climate modeling
  3. Effects of vegetation feedback in modeling the present-day climate over China
  4. Projected Changes of the Ecosystem-Climate System in West Africa using a RCM Driven With Multiple GCMs: Robustness and Uncertainties

Well done!

August 2016

The lab welcomes three new graduate students, Lori Fomenko (PhD program), Meijian Yang (PhD program), and Brandon Holland (M.S. program).

Lori received her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from UConn in 2016. She is a GAANN fellow, and is interested in precipitation extremes and urbanization.

Meijian received his B.E. degree in Hydroelectricity Engineering from North China Electric Power University in 2013, and M.S. degree in Hydrology from the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research in 2016. He is interested in hydrological and crop modeling and climate change. He will be working on the PIRE project.

Brandon received his B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering from UConn in 2016. He holds a Gates Millennium Graduate Fellowship, and is interested in hydrological modeling.

Welcome to all!


June 2016

Guiling and Dagang both attended the Eric Wood Symposium on Hydrology at Princeton University in the beginning of June. While honoring Eric, the symposium was truly a celebration for advances in hydrological sciences in the past four decades. What a great job Siva (and other colleagues on the organizing committee) did putting together this fantastic symposium!


Dagang completed his short-term visit in our group and returned to Sun Yat-Sen University in late June. He will continue to work on the collaborative research he started during his visit. Dagang, keep up the good work!

March 2016

Dr. Ying Shi joined the lab as a visiting scholar from the China Meteorological Administration. Her research in the next one year will focus on vegetation dynamics and climate variability/change in Asia using our regional climate system model.

Dr. Dagang Wang joined the lab as a short-term visiting scholar. Dagang was a former PhD graduate from this group, and currently he holds a faculty position in Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China. He will be working on land surface modeling and land data assimilation.

Ying and Dagang, Welcome!

December 2015

Our group gave three talks at the AGU Fall Meeting, including one invited and two contributed (by Dr. Wang and Amir Erfanian):

“Projecting Future Land Use Changes in West Africa Driven by Climate and Socioeconomic Factors: Uncertainties and Implications for Adaptation”

“Modeling the Climatic Impact of Land Cover Changes Using a Regional Model: Sensitivity to Experimental Design and Lateral Boundary Conditions”

“Incorporating vegetation feedbacks in regional climate modeling over West Africa”

Dana, Congsheng, and Kazi all gave poster presentations.

September 2015

Dana Parr successfully defended his PhD thesis, and is moving to a postdoc position at UMass-Amherst. Congratulations to Dana!

Dr. Congsheng Fu completed his postdoc appointment in our group, and is joining Dr. Xuhui Lee’s group at Yale University.  We are glad that he will be still close by. Congsheng, come back to visit often!