Dr. Wang gave a lecture to high school seniors at the Watkinson School in Hartford on “Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Strategies”
February 2013
Dr. Congsheng Fu joined the Lab as a postdoc scholar. Welcome Congsheng! Congsheng got his PhD degree in hydrology from Sun Yat-Sen University, and spent two years as a postdoc in Nipissing University (Canada) before joining our lab. Welcome Congsheng!
December 2012
At the AGU Fall meeting, Dr. Wang gave a talk on the regional climate system model RegCM4.3.4-CLM4/4.5-CN-DV, Dr. Yu presented a poster on bias correction of GCM-derived LBCs in climate projections using regional climate models, and Dr. Saini gave a talk on her CMIP5 monsoon onset analysis (work that she started at UMass but continues at UConn). Lab member Kazi Ahmed also attended the meeting as an observer. He learned a lot from the meeting!
November 2012
The lab welcomed Dr. Roop Saini who joined the lab as a postdoctoral research associate. Roop received her Ph.D. degree from University of Massachusetts at Lowell and her dissertation research focused on monsoon dynamics
September 2012
- Dr. Wang attended the Sackler Forum on Integrated Assessment Models and Future Need of Climate Change Research (in London), jointly sponsored by the U.S. National Academies and the U.K. Royal Society.
- Thanks to Farzan Ahmed (PhD student in Wang lab) and Rohit Mehta (from BECAT), the 1/8 degree (~12.5km) daily dataset for future climate (precipitation, Tmax, Tmin during 2046-2065) in New England is now available for others to download!
August 2012
The lab welcomed Zhitong Fei and Joseph Albani, M.S. students interested in hydrology and water resources. Zhitong got his B.S. degree from Jinan University in Environmental Resources, and Joe got his B.S. degree from Northeastern University in Civil Engineering.
June 2012
Shanshan Sun successfully defended her PhD dissertation and took a postdoctoral job at the University of Chicago. Congratulations Shanshan! Well done!
May 2012
Guiling presented the coupling of CLM4-CN-DV to RegCM4 at the 6th ICTP workshop! It is expected that the model will soon be released to the community after going through some additional testing.
February 2012
Rui Mei successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and took a postdoctoral job at the Oak Ridge National Lab. Congratulations Rui! Well done!
January 2012
Guiling attended the AMS annual meeting at New Orleans, and gave two presentations: (1) Soil Moisture-Precipitation Relationship over the U.S.: Results from Observations, Reanalysis Data, and Numerical Models; (2)Role of Vegetation Dynamics in Precipitation Variability in the Amazon Region. The research was supported by funding from NOAA and NSF.