This month, Yelin’s paper titled “Modeled response of South American climate to three decades of deforestation” was published in Journal of Climate! Congrats Yelin!
During January 10th -15th, the 101th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), originally to be held in New Orlean, took place virtually. Dr. Wang was Annual Meeting Program Co-Chair for the Conference of Hydrology under AMS. In the scientific program, Dr. Wang gave a presentation titled “Recent Decrease of Vegetation Productivity in South America due to a Warming-Induced Drying Trend”. In addition, she organized a very well-attended Town Hall “Her Career, Her Stories” that “brings women together to share experience, challenges, and success, to inspire and empower each other, and to foster the development of mentoring relationships”. This remarkable event featured panelists Drs. Ana Barros, Terri Hogue, Ruby Leung, Christa Peters-Lidard, and Ms. Britt Westergard. All of them were amazing role models, and shared so much experience and wisdom with a large crowd. Many thanks to the panelists, and congrats to Dr. Wang for the success in organizing this TH!